Saturday, October 18, 2014

Meraih Peluang, Menikmati Resiko

Peluang dan Resiko

Oleh: Leila Mona Ganiem

Semua dalam kehidupan ini berpeluang.
diam atau bergerak.

Semua dalam kehidupan ini beresiko
menangis maupun tertawa.

Peluang terbuka ketika berkenan berdamai dengan resiko

Mengulang tindak menciptakan ulangan hasil
Kepastian kerap melegakan.
namun membelenggu kreatifitas...

Bisakah kita  menerima diri, bereksperimen dengan lincah
dan mengarungi terjal yang riuh? 

 Apa peluang yang tercipta?


Apa harganya...?
ketidakpastian,  penolakan, kesendirian...


 lupakah kita bahwa 
mengambil resiko 

adalah kemenangan?

Karena menang kalah selalu bermakna.




Sunday, September 21, 2014

Buku Keterampilan Bernegosiasi dalam Hubungan Industrial

Keterampilan Bernegosiasi dalam  Hubungan Industrial
Seri Pengusaha 
Seri Serikat Pekerja

Tim PenulisPengarah : R. Irianto Simbolon, S.E., M.M.
Penanggungjawab : Dra. Haiyani Rumondang, M.A.
Ketua : Dr. Leila Mona Ganiem, M.Si.
Anggota :
1. Myra M Hanartani, S.H., M.A.
2. Dr. Ir. Kun Wardana Abyoto, M.T.
3. Iftida Yasar, S.H., M.Si.
4. Dra. S Junaedah AR, M.M.

Desain isi: Dina Feirus, S.IKom

Para Tokoh Nasional yang Menerima Buku bersama Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
(sumber foto: Berita 77 Portal News, 14 Agustus 2014)

Menteri Ternaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Bapak Muhaimin Iskandar, menyerahkan Buku "Keterampilan Bernegosiasi dalam Hubungan Industrial" kepada Tokoh Nasional 
 (sumber foto: Berita 77 Portal News, 14 Agustus 2014)


The deepest feeling 
shows itself in silence


Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Selamat pada Para Pemenang 
LKS Bipartit Award 2014 
Tingkat Nasional
Hotel Kartika Chandra, 14 Agustus 2014 

Para Pemenang 
LKS Bipartit Award 2014 Tingkat Nasional 
Berfoto bersama Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Bapak Muhaimin Iskandar
(Sumber foto: Berita 77 News.Com, 14 Agustus 2014)

Ketua Dewan Juri LKS Bipartit Award 2014 Tingkat Nasional, Leila Mona Ganiem,
Menerima Penghargaan dari  Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Bapak Muhaimin Iskandar
 (Sumber foto: Kemnakertrans)

Direktur KHPI, Ibu Haiyani Rumondang (paling kiri), berfoto bersama sebagian dewan juri: Kun Wardana Abyoto (paling kanan),  Aryana Satrya (tengah kanan); dan Leila Mona Ganiem (tengah kiri)
(dokumen pribadi)


Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jamsostek Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Kemenakertrans) Irianto Simbolon (kanan), Ketua Tim Juri Leila Mona Ganiem (dua kiri) dan Direktur Kelembagaan dan Pemasyarakatan Hubungan Industrial (KPHI) Kemenakertrans Haiyani Rumondang (kiri) saat pengundian nomor presentasi peserta di sela pembukaan seleksi pemenang (konvensi) penganugerahan LKS Bipartit Award 2014 tingkat nasional di Hotel Salak, Bogor, Jawa Barat,...
(Sumber: Sindo News, 7 Agustus 2014)
Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jamsostek Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Kemenakertrans) Irianto Simbolon memberikan sambutan. 
(Sumber: Sindo News, 7 Agustus 2014)

Ketua Tim Juri Leila Mona Ganiem memberikan sambutan saat pembukaan seleksi. 
(Sumber: Sindo News, 7 Agustus 2014)

Konvensi penganugerahan ini diikuti sepuluh peserta yang memiliki peringkat tertinggi dari seleksi yang dilakukan mulai tingkat kabupaten/kota hingga tingkat provinsi.
(Sumber: Sindo News, 7 Agustus 2014)

Sepuluh perusahaan peserta 
Konvensi LKS Bipartit Award 2014 tingkat Nasional adalah:

PT Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Motors and Manufactoring (dari DKI Jakarta), Alila Ubud (Bali), PT Antam (TBK) UPBN (Sulawesi Tenggara), PT Adaro Indonesia (Kalimantan Selatan) dan PT Dewhirst Indonesia (Jawa Barat), PT Pura Barutama (Pura Group) Kudus (Jawa Tengah), PTPN VII Ketahun (Bengkulu), PT Agrowiratama (Sumatera Barat), PT Perkebunan Nusantara III PKS Torgamba (Sumatera Utara) dan The Phoenix Hotel (DI Yogyakarta).

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

LKS Bipartit Award 2014

Mari Sambut 

LKS Bipartit Award 2014 
Tingkat Nasional
Kemnakertrans,  Agustus 2014

Jalin hubungan Industrial yang Harmonis

Mengenang  LKS Bipartit Award 
Tingkat Nasional 2011

Para Narasumber Penganugerahan LKS Bipartit Award dari kiri DR.Kun Wardana Abyoto (Praktisi Ketenagakerjaan), Dra.Haiyani Rumondang, MA (Direktur KPHI),  Hari Nugroho, MA (Akademin UI),  DR. Leila Mona Ganiem (Ahli Komunikasi)  dan Ir. Aryana Satria, MM,Ph.D (Akademis UI).

Bapak Drs.H.A. Muhaimin Iskandar, MSI ( Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi) sedang memberikan Piagam Penghargaan kepada para Pemenang Peringkat I, LKS Bipartit Tingkat Nasional 2011.

Para Narasumber (Leila Ganiem, Aryana Satriya dan Kun Wardana)  berpose bersama pada para peserta LKS  Bipartit Award Tingkat Nasional.

Frits Simon Saortua, SE bertindak sebagai mediator dalam kegiatan Penganugerahan LKS Bipartit Award bersama Narasumber  DR. Nina Handoko (Praktisi Ketenagakerjaan).

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia

Pengucapan Sumpah 
Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia (2014-2019)
di depan Presiden RI

Istana Negara, 9 Juni 2014

17 Komisioner  Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia

Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.A (K)
Dr. drg. Laksmi Dwiati, MHA
Prof. Dr. Ir. R. M. Soemantri Brodjonegoro
Prof. Dr. dr. Herkutanto, Sp.F (K), SH, LLM, FACLM
Prof. drg. Armasastra Bahar, Ph.D
Dr. dr. Meliana Zailani, MARS
Dra. Sri Haruti Indah Suksmaningsih, MPM
Dr. drg. Zaura Anggraeni, MDS
Dr. Leila Mona Ganiem, S.Pd, M.Si
Prof. dr. Wiwien Heru Wiyono, Ph.D, Sp.P (K)
Prof. Dr. I. Oetama Marsis, Sp.OG
Prof. drg. Heriandi Sutadi, Sp.KGA (K), Ph.D
drg. Astuty, MARS
Dr. dr. Sukman Tulus Putra, Sp.A (K), FACC, FESC
Prof. Dr. dr. Nancy Margarita Rehatta, Sp.An, KIC, KNA
Dr.drg. Grace Virginia Gumuruh, MM, Sp.KG
Prof. Dr. drg. Eky Soeria Soemantri, Sp.Ort

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Character Education Research

Conference Stream: Communication and Youth

Communicating Character Education 
(Case Study: Student in Darul Marhamah 
 Islamic Girls Boarding School Cileungsi)

Presented  in  Asian Media Information and Communication Centre
22nd International Conference
4-7 July 2013

By: Leila Mona

Although Indonesia has been independence  for sixty eight years ago,  there are still alot of problems  such as corruption, violence, and mass fights. Those problems could be related to character building. According to the National Policy of National Character Development (2010), based on its complexity, the development of national character encompasses seven domains: 1) the scope of the family, 2) the scope of the education unit, 3) the scope of government, 4) the scope of the civil society, 5) the scope of the political community, 6) the scope of business and industry, and 7) the scope of the mass media. This study focused on the development of character through the scope of the education unit.  The reason is because human consciousness, the 'me', should be built and nourished through the use of learning opportunities. The development of character through education has a significant progress.

Lickona (1991), Berkowitz (2008) and Ganiem (2012) are among the researchers who confirm that character education is a powerful remedy to address moral decadence. Character education improves school climate; students become more polite and social; the use of drug and violence decrease; academic motivation increases; emotional competence increases.  Those results are gain through inculcating the character targetted.

Inculcating character is inseparable from communication. The effects of communication are cognitive, affective, and conative (Petty and Cacioppo, 1980).   According to Hovland (1953), attitude change should be understood as a response to the actions of persuasive communication.  Selected efforts such as integrating the concept of character in teaching moduls in class and school programs, are some strategies used by teacher or management of school, but this is not enough. The synergy between all stakeholders include the students themselves will be positive to expedite the result.  This study propose to focus the optimalization of peergroup of students to inculcate characters among themselves. The strategy used is mentoring and monitoring. 

Mentoring is an activity  done by a person (mentor) for another person (mentee) so that the character values is ​​internalized. This process is in line with the group communication. The research of Dickens and Heffernan (in Golberg and Larson, 2006:31-32) confirms the positive results through the mentoring process. 

Monitoring concept  for inculcating the character education is inspired by panopticon (Foucault, 1977). The concept is taken from the field of architecture that allows prison guard to oversee prisoners without being noticed by the inmates. The discipline is also the key to implement character education. The students is  suppported to follow the rules which reflect values. The student  will find himself  or herself constantly monitored for the implementation of the values of characters through disciplining his/her body. The people who monitor  the students is their peergroup.

The research was done in Darul Marhamah Islamic Girls Bording School, Cileungsi.  The main issue resided in the character implementation in school institutions. It involved various strategy to implement the character values (discipline,caring, fairness, trustworthiness, neatness,  creativity,  religious, honest, patience, smart, leadership and friendhip).  Data was collected by participant observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and secondary data.

In conclusion, the result of the study is that the internalization of character is effective by using mentoring and monitoring. The students was supported to be discipline to create a docile body in order to implement the character values.  Inculcating character value involves peergroup is effective because between friends, students  have certain agreed rules, so it has a high value of persuasion.  The sharing of  values  are more convincing because it is provided by the peers themselves. Therefore, strengthening through peer mentoring and monitoring  are significant to inculcate the character values. The effect of communication is more to the cognitive and affective, and those leads to the conative effect.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

 Mensyukuri  Hidup 
Mencintai  INDONESIA


Monday, May 05, 2014

Memberdayakan agar Sesama Berdaya


 Memberdayakan Agar
Sesama Berdaya

     Tak  perlu menanti keadaan sempurna. Mari kita berkonstribusi menyempurnakannya.

Keberadaan kita dibumi disertai pilihan.
Memilih berkarya dan menggerakkan lebih banyak karya lagi,
atau menjadi penikmat karya orang lain.


           Kekhawatiran untuk ditolak  kerap menjadi kendala 
bagi  pemberdayaan  sesama. 



            Hidup menjadi  kian  bermakna   
ketika  kita  mampu  membuat orang lain berdaya. 




Bagi Pahlawan Kesehatan